Wednesday, January 5, 2011


This is the park across the street from our home. 
It is affectionately referred to by the community as The Rock Park.
Today was a fun day for me. I think I am actually growing up!

I used to substitute teach in our district regularly several years ago. My classes toed the line.
No messing around in my classes. They would do their work, they would be quiet, they would only leave the classroom after being grilled by me.......

Today I spent time at our high school.
I was in the math class. They did their work; there was talking. They left the classroom; after getting a nod from me. The talking couldn't be heard down the hall (not far at least), they read books or played games after their work was done. Everyone finished their work.

I came home in a pleasant mood, and without a headache...
Who Knew?!


  1. Great perspective. I think it works with parenting too. Some things just aren't worth the battle. :)

  2. Rock Park! That is classic.

    Glad you had a good day in the "math" class. Just the word Math gives me the willies!

  3. That does sound like a pleasant day.

  4. Oh how that sounds relaxing for everyone! I would like a nice day too. Can you send one my way?

  5. I want to talk and play in your class but no math please!!!


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