Sunday, January 16, 2011

God Bless the U.S.A.

I was raised by parents that are very patriotic! I was taught to love this dear land we live in!!

Many of you know that I keep a blog up for a friend of mine because she is teaching school for a year in Xi'an China. She loves it there and has had incredible experiences. I have enjoyed living vicariously through her. (
One thing I know it has done for me is to make me even more grateful for the land I live in.
Do we have problems here? YES!!
Would I want to go someplace else to live permanently?
 I am so grateful for all of the men and women and their families for all their sacrifices.
I have the right to waste my entire day on blogger and facebook if I want...... Thank You!!


  1. Oh,your last statement cracks me up! I would have gotten a cyber tomato thrown at me if I had said that in my Masters IT class. They were such "politically" corret people. Errr. It looks like this class discussion is going to be worse. It is on cultural Ethical Morals and relativism.

  2. Living very close to an AFB I am reminded daily how much I love this country and how proud I am of our military. :)


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