Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Awesomely Talented Sweetie!!

Laurence has always been very talented when working with wood. The last couple of years he has been making walking sticks from Diamond Willow. He does a BEAUTIFUL job!! This walking stick he made for Brother Macdonald. Brother Macdonald has been so good to Laurence, has given him diamond willow and advice. Laurence took two diamond willows and a friend took them to his shop and grafted them together. He did such an incredible job that you don't even know it's grafted unless you know where to look.
He sewed really soft deer hide for a grip.
Laurence sanded the willow until it was absolutely soft to the touch. I love the feel when they're like that. Then he put on multiple coats of sealant and oil; sanding between each coat.
Brother Macdonald is Native American so Laurence made this stick with an Angel Moroni on top, then flags/symbols from the tribe of Ephraim, the tribe of Manasseh, the tribe of Israel, the U.S. flag and the Fort Peck Tribe.

I sent the camera when Laurence took this over to Doug, but..... Laurence forgot to use it :) Doug says he is going to make a stand for the walking stick so he can display it. I hope to get to see it then.


  1. Thanks for the compliments. I love it when he sits out on the deck and works on his "projects". He does such beautiful work!!


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