Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Break in Utah

For Aisling's spring break, we went on vacation while she stayed at college. We went down to Utah and with her help started on the new Queen Bee Gardens website using Adobe Dreamweaver. It's new to me. Thankfully she has taken a dreamweaver class in college!! So, we're progressing! While we were there we also did some visiting. What fun!! Sunday we went out to Tracy & Steve's in Grantsville. Tracy has some great food storage/budgeting ideas that I wanted to see. (I'm incredibly visual!) She also shared with us her cool water pump from Macy's for draining those 55 gallon drums of water. They are only about $8.00!! We ended up buying two. One for us and one for a friend.
That afternoon we went to visit my Uncle Don. He lives about 6-8 miles from Tracy in Erda. What a great time to get to visit him.
We spent the first part of the week with Karen, an old friend of mine. Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures there, and those I did take didn't turn out.
From there we went to Provo and stayed with Laurence's cousins Bonnie and Rylene. Laurence's grandfather Laurence and their father Howard were brothers. They have their nephew Duke living with them. He is their brother's son.
Duke and Laurence
Rylene and Bonnie
Bonnie is a real family history buff, so she and Laurence had a great time!! They were able to find a link in one of their genealogy lines that took them back several hundred years.
While we were there I kept trying to get a picture of Aisling, she wasn't very cooperative:)

The last evening we were there we went to dinner with my cousins Roy and Karen. Once again I forgot to take pictures. We sure did have a great time.


  1. Oh my, you caught me with that picture! We really enjoyed having you guys come over!

  2. Looks like you had a fun trip!!! Wish I were there with you!

  3. TRACY!!!!!! How fun. I wish I lived there so I could see you too. *sob*

  4. Lots of Fun Aunt Sidney. Love all those smiles! ~ Carmen


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